Monday 22 October 2012

Lynd Ward's Influence in German Expressionism and Art Deco.

Lynd Ward:

Lately, my work has been compared to German Expressionism, specifically this woodcut I made recently for a course. I am very fond of this movement's impact upon printmaking so, naturally, in Abby's collection, I was brought to the work of Lynd Ward. Lynd Ward was a 20th century artist, mostly recognized for his woodcuts, that combined the stylistic approach of German Expressionism and Art Deco to illustrate stories and create narrative, without the use of text, throughout his work.

The inmense amount of detail and effort he places in his woodcuts is awe-inspiring and very admirable considering the 'place' I am artistically at the moment. His advantage of using the wood's grain to create magnificent variations in texture is grand. Also, the representation of different objects, light sources, distances, etc. through variation in mark making is exquisite. Especially considering how woodblock is so opportune to explore different forms of mark making.

I'm very thankful my fellow peer, Abby, presented this artist in her collection. This will definatelly help me and serve as inspiration for future works.


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